Meeting minutes September 20, 2022

Meeting minutes September 20, 2022

Call to Order
A meeting of the Potawatomi Property Owners Association (PPOA) Board of Directors (BoD) was called to order by President Bill Van Vlack at 6:00 p.m. at the Wanigan Board Room. In attendance were Rick Tello, Joe Girten, Bill Van Vlack, Greg Powell, Ed Cordell, and Michelle Boheim. April Powell was absent. A quorum was present. Minutes were taken.

Bill welcomed the new Board Members.

Correspondence was received and distributed appropriately.

Approval of the Agenda
Rick made a motion to approve the agenda. Joe seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes from July 19, 2022
Rick made a motion to approve the minutes. Michelle seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Membership Comment Period
No members present.

Treasurer’s Report
Rick presented the Treasurer’s Report. Michelle made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Ed seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Rental update
Billing of additional cleaning-Board discussed the additional cleaning charges invoiced.

Review and revamp rental program, procedures, buildings, and signage-Michelle will send rental documents to Board to look over and work on this winter.

Buildings and grounds update(s)-
Campground rental for event-Kubb event was successful with 35-40 participants. The
PPOA member and his guests plan to return next year with a larger group.

Prepare for Island and Campground shutdown-
Rick stated that the plumber will be draining pipes September 26th and Island and Camp-
ground will be shut down.

Old Business
Island Boats-liability/insurance- disposal of the Island boats and liability was revisited. Michelle stated that the rental policies’ Common Property Guidelines signed by renters has a caveat “PPOA equipment is available first come, first served, and used at your own risk.” Board discussed the liability insurance language. Rick made a motion to amend the vote from July 19, 2022 regarding the disposition of all PPOA boats located on the Island. The motion to amend was to keep the blue boat, which is in good working condition and dispose of the other boats which are in poor condition. Michelle seconded the motion. More discussion. All ayes. Motion carried.

Sale of PPOA common property-Board discussed in order to bring new members up-to-date. Subject tabled.

New Business
Board member assignments-tabled

Pictures of new Board members-pictures have been taken and sent to Rob Lynch to post on
PPOA website.

Michelle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Rick seconded. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Submitted by Michelle Boheim, Secretary