Meeting minutes May 28, 2022

Meeting minutes May 28, 2022

Call to Order
A meeting of the Potawatomi Property Owners Association (PPOA) Board of Directors (BoD) was called to order by Rob Lynch at 9:06 a.m. at the Wanigan Board Room. In attendance were Rob Lynch, Rick Tello, Michelle Boheim, and Bill Van Vlack. Joe Girten was absent. A quorum was present. Minutes were taken. The meeting was recorded.

Website speed-It’s running extremely slow. Rob working with migrating to new system and
Go Daddy.
Regular Board Meeting schedule-Rob will look at Google Meet and we will work around his schedule.
Email address-The new email address is:

The usual correspondence was received and filed.

Approval of the Agenda
Bill made a motion to approve the agenda. Rick seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes from April 30, 2022
Rick made a motion to approve the minutes. Bill seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Membership Comment Period
April Powell, PPOA Housekeeper, was present at the meeting to update the Board of status of Spring

Treasurer’s Report
Rick presented the Treasurer’s Report. Rob discussed the past due assessments that need to be billed. Rob will show Rick how to add interest, etc. in QuickBooks. April and Michelle will work on the statement mailings. Bill made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Michelle seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Rental reservations update- Things are running automatic. Look online to review reservations.

Buildings and grounds update(s)-Rick stated the roofs are blown and pine needles are raked around the three large cabins and Wanigan area. The dock has had newly planked in areas, stained, and placed in lake. Rob replaced a fire insert in the Lodge. Rick has made a set of keys of everything and there will be a keyboard made and hung in the Wanigan office. New dumpsters to be delivered and we’ll need padlocks on them.

Addition to Meeting
Rob asked April if she would be willing to serve on the Board with term ending at Annual Meeting August 2022.April agreed. Rick made a motion to have April join the Board of Directors through Annual Meeting August 2022. Bill seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

Old Business
Island causeway ownership –Bill discussed with Bayfield County that the road has no gas tax on it;
therefore, the maintenance is not covered by the County, nor Town of Barnes, as previously noted.

Sale of PPOA common property-Board discussed the possible sale of PPOA common properties not used by members in order to reinvest in PPOA common properties.

Island Boats-liability/insurance-Joe asked for pictures as he is working with insurance company.

Firewise chipping-Dahlberg trimming-June 5th chipping date was postponed as Rick is interviewing new chipping companies. Rick also discussed conversation with DNR regarding a Firewise awareness event at the archery range. Bring your own chair, date to be determined, and hot dogs will be served.

Board discussed painting the Campground bathroom doors. Bill and Rick will work on this.

New Business
Property transfer fee-Rob will develop and present a transfer fee resolution.

Michelle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Bill seconded. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.

Submitted by Michelle Boheim, Secretary