Meeting minutes March 19, 2022
Meeting minutes March 19, 2022
Call to Order
A meeting of the Potawatomi Property Owners Association (PPOA) Board of Directors (BoD) was called to order by Rob Lynch at 9:02 a.m. via Zoom. In attendance were Rob Lynch, Rick Tello, Michelle Boheim, Joe Girten, and Bill Van Vlack. A quorum was present. Minutes were taken. The meeting was recorded.
The Resolution of Rental Policies is posted on the PPOA website. Rob stated we all need to sign the Resolution. The signed original will be kept by the secretary. Also, the April board meeting will go into a closed session for Board to review past due assessments.
The usual correspondence was received and filed.
Approval of the Agenda
Michelle made a motion to approve the agenda. Joe seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes from February 22, 2022
The approval of minutes will be delayed until next month’s board meeting.
Membership Comment Period
No members contacted Rob for Zoom link to meeting; therefore, no members present.
Treasurer’s Report
Rick presented the Treasurer’s Report. Board discussed the annual assessment receipts received. Joe motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Rick seconded. All ayes, Motion carried.
New email system
PPOA Webmail/MS Outlook-in the past we’ve used our own personal email and Rob has forwarded contact us forms to each of us. He’s created a PPOA email address and migrated all emails into one area. The address is: Cost is $20 per year to have everything in one email account.
Rental reservations update-Reservations went live March 15th. In the first three days, reservations have been made for nine PPOA members for 76 nights to equal income of
$10,790.00. Recall that we budgeted for an income of $14,000.00. This is a very successful beginning of rental season.
Spring facilities opening-The Board has three main priorities:
1) Cost savings. We need to be cognizant of what we spend money on. We will have plumbing expense as we turn on water in the three rentals and the Campground.
2) Campground needs to be ready. Tasks that need completing were listed and benefits of having air dryers, rather than paper towels, in the bathrooms was discussed. New air dryers are expensive and not in the budget at this time. Watch for used air dryers at auctions or sales. We discussed possibilities of replacing the canoe. Rob restated that we need to be cognizant of spending. Renters can use available equipment, but it will not be replaced upon disposal. Rick asked Joe to check on liability insurance on equipment.
3) Island rental cabins need to be pared down, as we did the Wanigan last year. All need to be cleaned and stocked with cleaning supplies prior to renting. The Wanigan office needs to be re- opened and Wi-Fi online again. Board and volunteers are welcome to help. Rob reminded us we did budget for Campground and Island cleaning or services needed.
Old Business
Sale of PPOA common property-The majority of members completing the PPOA survey agreed to the sale of common properties. We need to determine the process of selling PPOA common property. First and foremost, legacy properties such as the Island, Campground, boat landings, screen porch, etc., will never be sold. Board will continue determining legacy properties and properties to be sold by realtor and/or auction.
Island causeway repairs –Rick spoke with Ben Garrett at the DNR regarding the grant availability. Mr. Garrett reported that the grants are available to the fire department and are very specific. He recommends working with the fire department. Rick stated that dry hydrants are expensive and require a lot of maintenance and is not in favor of going forward with this aspect. Board agreed and discussion of dry hydrants will be dropped. Still need to determine ownership of causeway.
New Business
Discover Potawatomi Picnic-Board discussed the pros and cons of holding a picnic. After much discussion it was decided to not hold the picnic this year. Rick will look into holding a separate DNR Firewise event.
Annual Meeting-We will have the Annual meeting August 20th as scheduled.
Rick made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Joe seconded. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.