Meeting minutes April 30, 2022
Meeting Minutes April 30, 2022
Call to Order
A meeting of the Potawatomi Property Owners Association (PPOA) Board of Directors (BoD) was called to order by Rob Lynch at 9:00 AM. Meeting was moved from Wanigan to Rob Lynch’s house due to power problems in the Wanigan. In attendance were Rob Lynch, Rick Tello, and Joe Girten. Bill Van Vlack and Michelle Boheim were absent A quorum was present. Minutes were taken.
Copies of all Condo and Property Transfer forms should be filed with the Secretary. Members need to sign Rental Resolution. Resolution will be filed with the Secretary. New Firewise information has been posted on the website.
The usual correspondence was received and filed.
Approval of the Agenda
Joe made a motion to approve the agenda. Rick seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes from February 22, 2022, and March 19, 2022
Rick made a motion to approve the minutes from February 22, 2022, and March 19, 2022. Joe seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Membership Comment Period
No members present.
Treasurer’s Report
Rick presented the Treasurer’s Report. Joe motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented.
Rick seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Rental Reservation Update
Rob provided all members a copy of the current reservations. Rick suggested that a reminder email be sent to each reservation holder prior to their stay. General discussion about rentals.
Spring Facilities Opening
Things are on track. Weather has been poor, so we are getting a slow start. Rob provided a list of Spring and Summer projects. Rick and volunteers will begin grounds work ASAP. Everybody is encouraged to take on whatever they can.
Board recessed at 9:55 AM. Board reconvened at 10:07 AM
Old Business
Sale of PPOA common property
No update.
New Business
Island boats – liability/insurance
PPOA provides any member unlimited use of boats and a canoe on the Island. Joe provided information from our insurance carrier. General discussion. Board will review the equipment and the open use process to assess PPOA liability. No action taken
Firewise chipping – Dahlberg trimming
Rob indicated concern for the amount of brush created in Potawatomi due to Dahlberg operations. Rick indicated that the company we use to do the Firewise chipping is no longer available. General discussion. Joe made the motion to postpone the Spring chipping event scheduled for the week of June 5, 2022 until we can find a new contractor. Rick seconded. All ayes. Motion carried. Rick will begin interviewing possible contractors, ASAP. Rob will post information on the website and place flyers in the open buildings.
Assessment Past Due, Liens and Collections Report – Retire to Executive Session
Rick motioned to adjourn the regular meeting and convene into Executive Session at 10:15 AM. Joe seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Rick motioned to reconvene to the regular meeting at 11:09 AM. Joe seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Rick motioned to adjourn the meeting. Joe seconded. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 11:10 AM.
Submitted by Rob Lynch