Annual Business Meeting minutes-August 20, 2022

Annual Business Meeting minutes-August 20, 2022

Call to Order
President Rob Lynch called the meeting to order at 9:52 a.m. A quorum was present. There were 24 members in attendance. Rob reminded the PPOA By-Laws and Restrictive Covenants filed in 2015 have conflicting criteria for voting. We will remain consistent with the recent previous years and use the same criteria for this meeting and election of Board members.

Approval of Business Meeting Agenda
Joe Girten made a motion to approve the Business Meeting Agenda as presented. Bill Van Vlack seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes from Annual Meeting August 21, 2021
Kelly Lynch motioned to waive reading and approve the Annual Meeting Minutes from August 21, 2021. Greg
Powell seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Rick Tello thanked the President, Board members, and volunteers for their contributions and hard work. He then presented the Treasurer’s report. Rick pointed out year-end cost differences between last year and this year being costly expenses such as maintenance on buildings and fixing the campground road to the increased costs of utilities since last year.

Rob added last year at this time we were down nearly $7,000.00. This year we are in the black at approximately $7,000.00. Therefore, we are tracking to a positive $14,000.00 swing. This positive financial change is partly due to the revamping of the rental program, reallocating resources, volunteers, and using a collection agency to garnish wages on overdue assessments. Of course, this will change throughout the year, however, is important to consider.

Bill Van Vlack made a motion to receive and file the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Sandy Girten seconded
the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

Election of Board Members (3 seats/3-year term; must elect 2)
Rob Lynch has completed his 3-year term. April Powell was appointed by the Board a few months ago and has finished her term.
Bill Van Vlack nominated Ed Cordell. Rick Tello nominated April Powell. April Powell nominated Greg Powell. Michelle Boheim motioned to elect the slate of nominees to the PPOA Board of Directors as presented. Bill
Van Vlack seconds the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

Michelle Boheim motioned to adjourn. Rick Tello seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 10:53 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Boheim, Secretary